Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bo-Bo Knows Mitt's Craaaaazy!

Did you hear the latest? It's rough, rough, news, so make sure your furries are not around, kay? Mitt left his mutt on the roof then drove for twelve hours! Twelve! The Bo-bos can't go for three without yuking on mom's back seat...and that's when she puts me INSIDE with my BED and a BLANKIE. Sometimes there's too much stuffs in there with me, but mostly it's all right because--did I mention this?--I'm  INSIDE with the Moms!

Moms don't like the Mitt because he doesn't like the poor and she says he acts like he's the obsessively driven CEO who's pissed to find his company at number 501 on Fortune's list, but the Bo-bos thinks the prezzie shouldn't be allowed to be mean to the furries. I mean that Obowwow guy's pretty cool with the furries. And he names them such beautiful names, too. But back to the Mitt. He's mean and he doesn't even know it! Have you seen this?

Mitt Romney Admits He Tied Family Dog To The Roof of His Car [Video]

Clearly, furries need to be allowed to vote. If only to prevent Mitt's being mean to his mutts.