Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bo-Bo Knows Shred Day 14

I almost bagged out this morning. On my walk with Bo, my mind ran through the workout ahead today in light of the sad little workout behind me yesterday, and the thought of doing plank anything kicked my bargaining brain into high gear:

Devil Slug: You know they say you're supposed to rest for a day between workouts.
Action Angel : Who's this they you keep talking about? Besides. this is a 30-day program.

Devil Slug: But 29 days out of 30 is still an A+.
Action Angel: But you'll feel better if you workout. You always do.

Devil Slug: You feel better when you buy yourself cake from Party Favors, too. You so love their coconutty yellow cake with butter cream frosting...
Action Angel: Out, out damn demon! You know the Cadillac of cakes is for birthdays ONLY!

Devil Slug(at home now): Wait. You're changing into your workout clothes? Why are you changing into your workout clothes? Hey, wait! Stop! Look at your knees! No more knee dough! You totally deserve a break.
Action Angel: Holy shit! I really don't have any more fat on my knees. All the more motivation to work out!

Devil Slug: Or all the more motivation to pull out the box of really small clothes under the bed and see what fits.
Action Angel: Holy shit! I can zip up my interview suit. That's, like, a size ten!

Devil Slug:It's so break time!
Action Angel: Screw you, buddy! I'm keeping on keeping on.

And so the angel won again. She's happy to report that today was way easier than yesterday, though she still can't quite make it through the final circuit.

Devil Slug:Maybe if you'd listened to me you might have--
Action Angel: Oh, shut up. There's always tomorrow.


  1. HEY, wait a minute—Devil Slug, you jerk! Is there ANYONE you don't torment??

  2. I blame all the crappy weather that kept me indoors and the five pounds I put on over the summer on Devil Slug. Slugs like rain, don't they?
