Friday, October 30, 2009

Bo-Bo Knows Shred Day 29

So with each day we're one day closer to great tape measuring ceremony that is Day 30. I've made peace with the fact that I (very likely) will not be able to finish the final circuit of level 3 strength at the advanced level—the muscles are willing, but the wrists poop out. Leave it to me to be held back by limp wrists.

Limp wrists aside, I do know I'm working hard because Bo-Bo tells me so. Today he watched me jump and kick and lift, lift, lift with his twitchy little eyes until I collapsed into my final ab workout—then he jumped up with more spryness than he's exhibited of late and padded over to investigate my general well being. You try doing your ab work effectively with 75 pounds of hound hovering over your chest and a cold wet nose pressed into your sweat-soaked face.

Then at the end of workout three—in a move I can only attribute to finish-line giddiness—I decided it would be cool to do the level one workout. Yeah, cool. I think the relentlessly impractical optimist deep inside me actually believed level one would be a cake walk by now. I knew I was in trouble when my arms started shaking during the first set of military push ups. When I fell from my toes to my knees during the second set, I got the giggles. Some cakewalk.

But! Initial strength circuit aside, the cardio was a breeze and the final ab workout—the bicycles—were no sweat at all when I know the first time through I was excited to graduate the level having done just one good set. Now, I was pushing through them like they were nothing. OK. Not nothing (particularly by the end). But pushing through them in a way that I'd feel comfortable modeling them for a newbie like I was 29 days ago today!

So this may be just a little more finish-line giddiness, but I'm gonna go ahead and call it: I will absolutely finish this 30-day program tomorrow**. Results will be posted. Celebrations will take place. If there was a "Jillian Michaels shredded my ass!" bumper sticker to be had, I'd so be affixing it to the back of my car.

* For those of you who shred and are wondering how I could be on my back during the final ab exercise, I've modified it. The exercise she recommended was causing shooting pains in my elbows. I decided this was a sign I was doing it seriously wrong and swapped out an exercise that has my shoulders on the ground flat and my legs bent so I look like a lowercase b or d and then crunch away.

Barring natural disaster or power outage, of course.


  1. I am feeling very schlub-like seeing as the height of my exercise program is reading about yours... :D

  2. Reading burns calories, and commenting burns even MORE calories, so you're on your way.
