Monday, October 5, 2009

Bo-Bo Knows Shred is Dangerous! (Day 4)

So my dog, Bo-Bo, has no idea why I've been lifting these curvy things and bopping around so much the past four days, but apparently he picked today to set his canine brain to puzzling it out. During a particularly enthusiastic set of jumping jacks, here comes Bo sniffing around. Damn near got his pretty nosed bashed in. First a trip to the vet for well-dog check up (shots were involved but so was a delicious pig-ear treat) and then a near-miss sneaker to the brain?

Screw you, human,
Bo said.

OK, what he actually did was flop onto his bed with his butt facing me, but the translation seemed obvious to me. Couldn't have been too mad, though. He didn't actually go to his bed in the other room. And yes. Our dog has two beds. Three actually if you count the reject we keep by his food that he only uses in the summer after a walk when he needs water, stat.

Speaking of water, I could use some myself. Though before I go, I will report that the shred ab section is getting easier--I almost did bicycle crunches correctly today! And given THAT level of celebration, you can tell that I had nowhere to go but up when I started this program. Also, strength was a little more tolerable today, too. There will be no shampoo fiascoes today (see day 3), but I don't think I'll be able to get off my knees for push ups any time soon.

Correct form and showers free of shaky limbs. It's all about the baby steps, people. Baby steps.


  1. I am exercising vicariously through you. :D

  2. Nine out of ten doctors agree that vicarious exercise is bad for your heart. I think reading burns a few calories, though, so I'm totally negating that pickle you ate with your sandwich yesterday....
