Friday, October 16, 2009

Bo-Bo Knows Shred Day 15

Today marks the halfway point of these 30-day shred shenanigans. I'd do cartwheels to celebrate, but I'm running on E. And that's E as in empty--not energetic or enthusiastic or ebullient. It's not even E as in Elcik.

Less than five hours sleep last night. I expected to crumble, and I did. But not until the last three seconds of the last ab exercise. Literally. When Jillian said "last three" my arms actually collapsed. Ever see footage of a building crumbling during an earthquake? Sub my arms and you've got the picture. I took utter collapse as a sign to quit a few seconds early, and yeah, I actually have considered that mutinous arms may be the work of the devil slug (see day 14), but when the arms mutiny, you listen. Particularly when not listening could end up breaking my nose.

On the uptick, I did get through the final cardio section without a break. I was still rocking one exercise advanced and one beginner, but maybe in a few days I'll blow through it all on the advanced. Maybe in a few days.


  1. What happens at the end of 30 days? Do you start again or just doing the same routine?

  2. I haven't decided yet. I was thinking I could do it all again with heavier weights, or do the hardest setting I can manage four times a week like a normal strength-training person. I've seen some sights where people try to do two workouts in one day, and though I like the idea of the added challenge, walking my dog and one circuit training workout is really all I have time for. I think I'm probably leaning toward scaling back to three days of circuit training and jogging the other three days. But as far as this site is concerned, I'm really like the 30-day project format. I may stop writing about my fitness journey and take up another journey altogether. We'll see how I feel.

  3. I like the description of this journey. I have been doing a circuit training routine at the gym with a trainer lately but the Shred DVD looked interesting to me. I may try it when my training sessions run out. I also love the Devil Slug. He spends far to much time over at my house :)
