Friday, October 2, 2009

Bo-Bo Knows Shred Day 1

Like so many, I have a problem with comfort eating. A big problem. A problem that landed me in a weight center discussing food issues with a nutritionist, a psychologist, and a physician who specializes in obesity issues. Happy, sad, worried, mad--you name the emotion, I fed it.

Note the past tense? Fed, not feed?

Today I had a no-good, miserable, very bad day. Basically, I forgot to take my gratitude pill a few days in a row and I was letting things get to me. Grumpy? Check. Pissy? Double check. Feeling like the world owed me something? Normally a recipe for a bit of a binge.

So I caved. But did I buy myself copious amounts of chocolate? No. Wendy's french fries? Uh-uh. An army-size portion of pad thai? No.

I stopped at Best Buy and bought myself a copy of Jillian Michaels' s 30-day shred video. The best part is this: I didn't realize I was reaching for comfort until after I was halfway home. So get this: I subconsciously made myself feel better by making a healthy choice.

That's not to say Jillian didn't kick my sorry ass (afterward my arms shook when I reached for the spices to mix a vinaigrette for my salad). But shaking arms aside, I feel like I'm in control, maybe for the first time ever. Now there's something to be grateful for.

1 comment:

  1. I have never been one to exercise and everytime I go out to mow the lawn with our non self-propelled mower, I am reminded of how I really should start exercising on a regular basis. So kudos to you! :)
