Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bo-Bo Knows Shred Day 6

So yeah. Still feeling strong and all that but here's the thing: the scale this morning tells me I've gained .2 pounds since I started the shred. I know, I know.
  1. Point-two pounds is nothing, and
  2. It's probably muscle.
Believe me, I know. I also know, for example, that I'm not supposed to weigh myself more than once a week. And here I was. Weighing myself. And feeling--just a bit--crestfallen, which is kind of exhibit A in the case against weighing myself at all.

Other things I know? I've been tracking my diet and I've been eating healthy foods in healthy portions. So I also know that this is not a real gain. There's a victory in talking myself down from that. Hell, I take it as a victory that I still did the video this morning given my disappointment AND the fact that I had a house guest sleeping in the next room.

The truth is this--my body does feel stronger. And I feel like I can already see places were the shredding is happening. I guess what I'm wondering is this: where is the DVD that trains the brain? Throw in a few cognitive crunches in between the lunges and the jumping jacks maybe? A shredded body is one thing--an important thing, yes. But what I'm looking for is a shredded head. A body that lifts is strong, sure it is. But pair that healthy body with a mind that's shed the emotional baggage of the weight? Now that's what I call strength.

1 comment:

  1. You have to start small. For instance, I used to be a serious pack rat but we decided to clean our apartment one year and I forced myself to get rid of things I had been holding onto. It was rough at first and I felt stabs of guilt for every thing I donated/disposed of, but over the years it has become easier and easier...
